Monday, September 30, 2019

Depression and African-American Men Essay

First of all it is important to understand what really constitutes depression. All of us feel down from time to time perhaps based on having a â€Å"bad day†. However when feelings of sadness last for several weeks, months, or years, and are accompanied by other symptoms such as change of appetite, isolation from family and friends, sleeplessness, etc. these are symptoms of depression. In 1999 Dr. David Satcher, Surgeon General of the United States, and an African-American, released a Report on Mental Health that was a landmark moment for America. This was the first comprehensive report on the state of the nation’s mental health issued by America’s â€Å"physician-in-chief.† It is both an inventory of the resources available to promote mental health and treat mental illness, and a call to action to improve these resources. It paints a portrait of mental illness, filling the canvas with the faces of America, revealing that the effects of mental illness cut across all the nation’s dividing lines, whether gender, education, economic status, education, or race. However, the 2001 supplement to the original 1999 report indicates that it probably affects African American men more adversely than it does the general population.†Mental Health: Culture, Race and Ethnicity,† which is the title of the supplement by Dr. Satcher, says that â€Å"racial and ethnic minorities collectively experience a greater disability burden from mental illness than do whites.† The supplemental report goes even deeper in that it highlights the disparity that exists for black men in mental health as it does in relation to most health problems. For example, African-American men are more likely to live with chronic health problems, and studies show that living with chronic illnesses increases the risk of suffering from depression. In a 2002 report, â€Å"The Burden of Chronic Diseases and Their Risk Factors, † the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that African American Men have the highest rates of prostate cancer and hypertension in the world. The report also says that black men are twice as likely as white men to develop diabetes, and suffer higher rates of heart disease and obesity. The American Cancer Society’s report entitled â€Å"Cancer Facts and Figures†, and written in 2003 found that black men are more than twice as likely as white men to die from prostate cancer. We are also more likely than others to wait until an illness reaches a serious stage before we seek treatment. Often times treatment is not sought until we are in emergency rooms, homeless shelters, or prisons. According to a report by the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in 2003, men in general are three times less likely than women to visit a doctor, and African-American men specifically are less likely than white men to go to a doctor prior to them being in poor health. This is the case for physical ailments. When one factors in the stigma attached to mental illness, and other barriers that keep us from getting help, it is easy to see why black men are even less likely to seek treatment for depression. Yet, the nation, including the African-American community is often silent on this issue. The silence on the subject among blacks is due, in part, to our lack of vocabulary to talk about depression. We call depression â€Å"the blues† in the black community. We have been taught, at least in the past, and, to a certain extent even now, to shrug off this mental state. For many of us, it is not just a fact of life; it is a way of life. When bluesmen used to sing, â€Å"Every day I have the blues† or â€Å"It ain’t nothing but the blues† or similar words from hundreds of songs, they do more than mouth lyrics. They voice a cultural attitude. They state an accepted truth at the heart of their music: Having the blues goes along with being black in America. In addition, from the time we are young boys, black males have ingrained into us an idea of manhood that requires a silence about feelings, a withholding of emotion, and ability to bear burdens alone, and a refusal to appear â€Å"weak.† The internal pressure to adhere to this concept of masculinity only increases as we sometimes experience various forms of racism in a society that historically has sought to deny us our manhood. The internal wall that often keeps black men away from psychotherapy goes along with external barriers built just as high, if not higher. Mental health practitioners are overwhelmingly white, with the proportion of black psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychoanalysts estimated at less than three percent of the nation’s total. This would mean that even if black men were to break through the self-imposed barriers and seek professional help for mental issues, it may be difficult to find someone with whom they can build a rapport, and whom they feel can relate to them, and they can trust. This feeling of comfort is what allows a patient to reveal his most intimate secrets. As Dr. Richard Mouzon, a prominent black clinical psychologist puts it, â€Å"Many of us grow up feeling that it is dangerous to give up too much of yourself to the white man.† There’s no denying that access to mental health care is restricted for Americans in general. In private health insurance policies and government medical assistance programs, psychotherapy is too often considered a luxury rather than a necessity. It has been said often times that the only people with a guaranteed right to health care are the inmates of our jails and prisons. That is even more true of mental health care.Unfortunately, this is a right that is of marginal value; while many black men receive their first treatment for mental illness behind bars, that treatment is likely to be directed at keeping them under control rather than alleviating the effects of their illness. Our health care system assures preventative measures and early intervention for mental health problems only to the privileged, just as it does for physical health problems. The disparity is so great in minority communities that for many, mental illness receives attention only when it reaches a florid stage, in public hospitals’ emergency rooms and psychiatric wards, or worse, in its aftermath, when people with mental illness may end up behind bars and in morgues. According to a new study reported on by the † Health Behavior News Service†, jobless African-American men appear to be at a greater risk of suffering from depression. While the issue of unemployment offers at least one possible explanation for why the symptoms of depression might be experienced, more puzzling is the fact that African-American men who were making more than $80,000 per year were still at a higher risk for depression. In order to come to their conclusions, Dr. Darrell Hudson, Ph.D., and his fellow researchers carefully screened the data provided by the â€Å"National Survey of American Life.† During their analysis, they took into account how much various factors such as social class, income, education, wealth, employment, and parental education level related to depressive symptoms. â€Å"After measuring depression in a very comprehensive way, the results were not very consistent. We need to figure out as a general public: Is there a cost associated with socioeconomic position or moving in an upward trajectory?† said Dr. Hudson. For the purpose of the research 3,570 African-American men and women who experienced depressive episodes within the past year of their lives were studied. Men who made over $80,000 per year reported more symptoms of depression than those making less than $17,000 per year. However, unemployed black men were more likely to report depression during that year compared to employed men. Men who completed some college or beyond were less likely to experience depressive symptoms than those who did not complete high school. Women, on the other hand, did not appear to suffer the same rates of depression. Females who earned between $45,000 and $79,000 were less likely to report symptoms of depression than those with the least income. The study appeared in the journal â€Å"Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.† According to Dr. Hudson: â€Å"One thing could be going on with African-American men with greater incomes. The more likely they are to work in integrated settings, the more likely they are to be exposed to racial discrimination. Racial discrimination can undermine some of the positive effects of socioeconomic position like the increased benefits of more income.† Some black men who suffer from depression may think suicide is the answer. It is not. Men that become suicidal don’t realize that they are repeating the cycle, burdening their children with the same loneliness the father had endured. Their kids would grow up with the knowledge that their father had taken his life. Depression can be very paralyzing to African-Americans. This vile illness affects men from all walks of life, from the black executive to the young street hustler. In many documented cases, several socially advanced black men have suffered from depression for many years and refused to receive treatment. This is a very disturbing undercurrent. If educated, accomplished, and highly informed black men refuse to seek treatment for depression, just imagine how difficult it is for uneducated or poor black men to seek help. Some experts believe that depression is likely a key factor in a 233 percent increase in suicide in black males ages 10-14 from 1980 to 1995. According to Dr. Satcher: â€Å"Black men feel that they have to be twice as good as other people, that you can’t be weak because people will take advantage of you. Those pressures work powerfully against a black male seeking treatment for depression and other mental illnesses.† About one in four African-Americans is uninsured, compared with about 16 percent of the U.S. population overall. African-Americans are less likely to receive antidepressants, and when they do, they are more likely than whites to stop taking them. Particularly troubling to those who study and treat mental illness in black men is their disproportionately higher rates of incarceration than other racial groups. Nearly half of the U.S. prison population is black, and about 40 percent of those in the juvenile justice system is black. It is a very difficult and very serious situation for these young men and for society. Psychiatrists who work with the homeless as well as with black youth say they see dozens of black males each year head to jail or juvenile justice when they should be in treatment centers.They blame,in some form or another, depression, or other related mental illnesses. â€Å"It happens all the time and it’s very alarming,† said Dr. Raymond J. Kotwicki, Medical Director of Community Outreach Programs, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, at Emory University School of Medicine, in a recent statement. While all mental illnesses often come wrapped in some sort of stigma or negative connotation, mental illnesses in black men are even more entangled. Historical racism and current cultural biases and expectations all play a part, mental health advocates say. Nearly two-thirds of African-Americans believe that mental illness is a shortcoming that can be overcome through prayer and faith, according to a study by the National Alliance for the mentally ill. Certainly prayer and faith may be helpful to someone suffering from mental illness, but is not a replacement for treatment by a professional. The neglect of emotional disorders among men in the black community is nothing less than racial suicide.Many experts argue that the problem of depression in black America can be traced back to the time of slavery, when it was believed that blacks were unable to feel inner pain because they had no psyche. This myth has damaged generations of African-American men and their families, creating a society that sometimes has defined black men as being violent and aggressive, without considering that depression (or other related mental illnesses) might be one root cause. The consequences of untreated mental illness can be dire. And the tragedy of the worst outcomes can be no greater than when the disorder is depression, one of the most common and treatable mental illnesses. The disease is painful, and potentially fatal, but eighty percent of those who get treatment get better. Yet, quite sadly, only twenty-five percent of those who need help get it. African-American men are especially prone to put ourselves in mortal danger because we readily embrace the belief that we can survive depression by â€Å"riding out† the illness and allowing it to run its course. The internal walls we build to keep out the world, along with the walls that society sometimes builds to isolate us, cut us off from the help we need. So we suffer, and we suffer needlessly. Please do not be ashamed of seeking help if you feel that you are suffering from depression, or any mental illness. There are very likely resources right in your own city or town such as a county Mental Health Center, even if you are uninsured. Those who are insured may choose a private hospital or psychiatrist, but don’t hesitate to get help. One resource that is available would be to call 1-877-331-9311, or 1-877-568-6230 to talk to a specialist at any time. This could change your life immensely, and could indeed save your life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Why Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus.

Why men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Are there any differences on how women and men talk? This is a question many people ponder on everyday. It is easy to assume that because English belongs to the person who uses it, men and women would likely to talk the same way but that may not be the case. Linguistics experts had proven that shown that men and women communicate in different ways. Speech style, word use, and body language are apparent between men and women. Women focus more on making connections, while men generally focus on public contexts where informative and persuasive talk is highly valued and appreciated.In the essay â€Å"I'll Explain it to you: Lecturing and Listening† by Deborah Tannen, she believes that even though men and women speak the same lingua franca, but their affirmation of support, conversational patterns and body language are very different. In the earlier years of development, Tannen observes that girls use speech to find confirmation and e stablish intimacy, whereas boys use speech to assert their independence and attain social status (283-5). In a study by psychologist H. M. Leet-Pellegrini who set to find out how men and women communicate with each other and who is more dominant in a conversation. Tannen 284). When women are listening, they will show support by saying things like â€Å"Yeah† and â€Å"That’s right†, even though they are more knowledgeable than the men on that particular topic (Tannen 283). However, this may not be the case for men. Tannen states that when it is the other way around, men tend to say something like â€Å"So you’re the expert. † (283). It showed that when women has superior amount of knowledge than the men, â€Å"It will sparked resentment, not respect†, and because of that â€Å"Women are inclined to play down their expertise rather than display it. † (Tannen 283).Women are scared to express their opinion because of what other people wi ll think of them. Tannen feels that men are always trying to grab the leadership role by interrupting, hogging conversations and offering practical information, â€Å"My experience is that if I mention the kind of work I do to women, they usually ask me about it. While men have the tendency of explaining and giving me a lecture on language. † (282-3). In this situation, women find themselves bored and constantly nodding unwillingly as they have been cast as the listener as men lecture them and finds themselves in an asymmetrical conversation (Tannen 288-9).Despite the asymmetrical conversation, in the article Party Line by Rachael Rafelman, she states that women want to be heard. She states that, â€Å"Listening is a part of girl talk since it is at the very center of reciprocal communication. Woman requires it of each other† (Rafelman 320). When a woman talks she gets personal and involved in the conversation, men do not (Rafelman 317). Men love to talk about business and sports so women find the company of men kind of boring (Rafelman 317). It is why some women may find themselves nodding unwilling throughout the conversation.Women on the other hand find comfort in offering and receiving comfort and avoiding confrontation. There's certainly some truth to this. We can see this everywhere. Which men haven’t had heard his wife or female collogue say to him, â€Å"These shoes are killing me? † When he replies, â€Å"Get some new ones then,† or â€Å"Why are you even wearing them,† she is offended and upset. What he should have said was, â€Å"Oh I know exactly how you feel. Mine are killing me too. † Thus, according to Deborah Tannen’s article, considering these facts, no wonder many women grumble about their partners not listening to them (289).They argument that they made, that the men are not listening to them, is actually because they are not getting the response that they wanted to hear (Tannen 289). W omen focus more on making connections; talk and conversation is essential to this process. Women share secrets, relating experiences, revealing problems and discussing options with their close friends. Men generally take another approach; their groups tend to be larger, focusing on activities rather than conversation. Even though men rather focus on activities rather than conversations, it does not mean that men talk less than women.In Janet Holmes’s essay â€Å"Women Talk Too Much,† Janet Holmes claims that even though many people believe that women talk more than men do, men talks just as much, if not even more, especially when talking enhances their status, power or dominant. Even when they hold influential positions, women sometimes find it hard to contribute as much as men to a discussion. † (300). Women are scared to express their opinion because of what other people will think of them and they know that when a woman is superior knowledge, it will sparked r esentment, not respect, as stated in Tannen’s article â€Å"I'll Explain it to you: Lecturing and Listening† (283).Aries found out that found that women who did a lot of talking in a group began to feel uncomfortable; they backed off and frequently drew out quieter members of the group (Tannen 291). It is proven that men talk more than women in public, formal context because they perceive that by participating in the conversation it enhances their status and power. I couldn't agree with this more because I think that men are always trying to impress somebody and therefore men always want center stage to prove that (Tannen 286).Thus, men generally focus on public contexts where informative and persuasive talk is highly valued and appreciated. In spite of the differences between men and women that Tannen has shown, in the essay â€Å"Sex Differences† by Ronald Macaulay argues that there is no such thing and beyond any other semantic topic, there have been countles s absurdity about sex differences. Macaulay states, â€Å"Such stereotypes are often reinforced by works of fiction† (309). Tannen disagrees to this. There are differences on how men and women communicate.Tannen said that, â€Å"Men’s style is more literally focused on the message level of the talk, while women’s is focused on the relationship or metamessage level (289). For women, she wants the listener to engage, give feedback and be interested in showing attentiveness while men wants the listener to be quietly enrapt on what he is saying. An interesting fact that I found out in Tannen’s article, which I agree, is the way the men and women sit. They say that men are all spread out with their legs wide open, while women gathered themselves in (Tannen 285). This could not be truer.When I was in the lecturer hall, I just look around in my class and I see all of the guys all spread out and all the girls are like all curled up. Researches have found out tha t speakers using open-bodied position are more likely to persuade their audience (Tannen 285). In a nutshell we can conclude that men impose and lecture their side of the story when speaking while women on the other hand have a more open exchange of ideas. Besides that, men do not show any body signals indicating that they are listening but women on the other hand give signs that show their affirmation or support.Lastly, men generally dominate the conversation most of the time while women just listen passively. Work Cited Page. Tannen, Deborah. â€Å"I’ll Explain It To You : Lecturing and Listening†. Exploring Language, 11/e. Ed. Gary Goshgarian. New York : Longman, 2005. 281-293. Print. Holmes, Janet. â€Å"Woman Talks Too Much†. Exploring Language, 11/e. Ed. Gary Goshgarian. New York : Longman, 2005. 299-305. Print. Rafelman, Rachel. â€Å"The Party Line†. Exploring Language, 11/e. Ed. Gary Goshgarian. New York : Longman, 2005. 316-321. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How writing influences and changes a society Essay

How writing influences and changes a society - Essay Example Many literature analysts believe that while looking at only one dimension of writing interchanges, educational, institutional, professional, and social settings limits the potentiality of writing discourse and the means through which writing enters into the dynamic unfolding of situations and events. To understand various modes in which writing possess an influence on our minds, we need to explore the practices that people engage in to produce texts as well as the ways that writing practices gain their meanings and functions as dynamic elements of specific cultural settings. Traditionally, writing has elucidated the motivation factor behind scriptures and text analysis, which for centuries have demonstrated human nature while examining the limitations of the meanings, humans predicted from writing. As earliest as writing within scriptural religions, we can see that religion was a start to influence people with written sacred texts. It was due to the writings that bestowed upon the th en people, motivation to fit themselves into sophisticated culture and form a part of modernized society. The initial examples of writing influences were that from the meaning people could opt out of holy books such as the Bible, Talmud and Koran. Of course these sacred books while determining a precise culture of humanity, initiated to what we call today as 'philosophy' and other intellectual endeavors that later involved criticizing claims of opponents, which motivated analysis of texts to find flaws in reasoning, confusions, or other limitations. Sacred writings also evolved a sense of legal/illegal among the people for which written law became a matter of precedence, followed by written legal briefs which became important to determine what the law really said, what the loopholes were, how precedents could be used to argue one side or another, what the weaknesses and strengths were of opposing arguments. The power of writing has always attempted to make changes in a society and no doubt that it has remained successful in diverting its audience to acknowledge the power of pen. But in order to make desirable changes, it has not hesitated to present before the society a mirror, through which the audience has accepted their cultural loopholes and foremost weaknesses. Therefore it is said that a society is reflected in the literature, it is not the literature that reflects a society. However, many authors believe that literature predicts the hegemony and culture of society. One can see that cultural text anthologies of rhetoric have become histories, since they are primarily concerned with displaying a sense of order and continuity, and also because of the reason that such rhetorics displayed the time it wrote in the literature. It would be naive to consider anthologies as mere

Friday, September 27, 2019

Urban Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Urban - Essay Example Many cities are founded based on industrialization and/or trade since with many industries there for labor arises, leading to people migrating to towns; these people will require housing education and medical services. This leads to centralization of services this bringing them close to employees, and their families. This spawns a range of business to service the needs of the inhabitants, because of the industries, there is also the demand for non-skilled labor, and the workers are often not well educated and poorly paid. As a result, they cannot afford the expensive housing and end up living in informal settlements or slums and shantytowns especially in third world countries. However, urban areas are centers of administrative government with their central location allowing them to be accessed by people from anywhere. They are also centers of entertainment with many fun spots such as discos, casinos and nightclubs being located in urban area. However, cities also create a breeding ground for a plethora of crimes mostly because of competition for limited resources these include; muggings and robbery, and self-destructive activities such as drug use and other unhealthy recreational activities as people try to escape their problems in a place far away from their

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Clostridium Difficile Infection Prevention Essay

Clostridium Difficile Infection Prevention - Essay Example Health and social care facilities generate a challenging environment due to the operations undertaken on a daily basis. This environment poses as a perfect medium for transfer of the microorganisms from patient, equipment and staff. It is important to be vigilant at all times in these environments due to the vulnerability; pressure associated with opportunist pathogens and the intensity and complexity of health care environments (Angenent & Kelly, 2009). Patients with mild symptoms of c. diff may improve if they stop taking antibiotics. Those with severe symptoms need different antibiotic medication. When the severity suffered is intense, medics administer further therapy. Clostridium difficile is an infection of the colon by the bacterium. It causes colitis by producing toxins that damage the lining of the colon. The symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. It can develop into severe complications, which include dehydration, rupture of the colon, and spread of infection s to the abdominal cavity or body. The most common cause of c. difficile colitis occurs in patients, in the hospitals, though a number of cases out of the hospital have increased. The choice of this topic in this research is influenced by the responsibility burden for social care facilities and health organizations as important pillars in curbing down c. difficile infections. As seen above, these environments are exposed to breeding grounds for the pathogens causing c. diff to grow and infect people easily.... Statistics show that hospitalized patients are more prone to the infection; however, it also affects healthy individuals. Every employee working under health departments has a key responsibility to ensure prevention and management of the infections. This responsibility covers entirely all health and social care organizations, regardless of the patient setting or care provider. Introduction of good health practices is geared towards prevention and management of infections related to pathogens that cause c. diff. There are many attributions to infection or diseases, for example, different microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and prions. These microorganisms result in a wide variety of infections (Beltrami, 2010). Such infections include urinary tract, wounds, respiratory, blood, bone and skin infections. To say that not all infections are transmissible will be in order; nonetheless, a majority of them such as influenza, clostridium difficile and norovirus can spread from on e person to another hence end up causing transmissible infections (Artel, 2011). Health and social care facilities should be made responsible for enhancing good health practices. Health and social care facilities generate a challenging environment due to the operations undertaken on a daily basis. This environment poses as a perfect medium for transfer of the microorganisms from patient, equipment and staff. It is important to be vigilant at all times in these environments due to the vulnerability; pressure associated with opportunist pathogens and the intensity and complexity of health care environments (Angenent & Kelly, 2009). Patients with mild symptoms of c. diff may improve if they stop taking antibiotics. Those with severe symptoms need different antibiotic medication. When

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sleeping Problems of the Elderly Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sleeping Problems of the Elderly - Assignment Example Sleep pattern assessment of community partner:- ================================== DJ’s Story:- ---------------- DJ has lived all her life in a small town . She is a widow nursing her sweet memories that date back to the days when her husband lived . In her hay days she used to wear the pants in her family consisting of her two kids (both boys) and husband , and now that she has crossed the threshold of 87 years she no longer is the same bright boastful lady ; she has grown peevish , is fussy about the smallest of things and refuses to accept that her three grandsons are incarnations of The Satan himself . Questionnaire :- ============ 1) At what time do you get up in the morning ? 2) At your age you mustn’t probably be busy doing household work when you are awake , so what is it that keeps you busy most of the time ? 3) How often do you talk to the other family members during the course of the day about yourself ? 4) Do you feel bored during the afternoon hours ? 5) At what time do you take your lunch ? 6) Over a period of one week how often do you consider taking a nap after lunch ? 7) At what time do you take your afternoon snacks ?

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Environmental Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Environmental Accounting - Essay Example The primary purpose of a traditional financial statement is to provide information solely on the matters which have a material financial impact on the company. As a result, the financial accountants and financial auditors pay attention to environmental issues (typically legal or regulatory) only in cases when the latter, for example, prevent the sale of goods in stock, will make products obsolete, will require major capital expenditure to meet consent levels and so forth (Owen 2004). Such situation seriously complicates the intensively debated problem of incorporating environmental data into financial statements of UK companies. This debate clearly suggests that the published financial statements of UK companies as they are at present may not provide an adequate means of assessing the success of the companies' activities. Increasing globalization of business environment, coupled with growing concern over environmental issues has drawn serious attention to changing the traditional accounting standards to incorporate social and environmental impact of companies' operations. Harmonization of accounting standards to allow the transportability of accounting information and smoother operation of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) has become the primary focal points of the new developments in accounting practice (Gray 2004). This paper represents an attempt to analyze the concept of environmental accounting, its relationship with the basic concepts of traditional accounting and its application to the modern business framework. The range of problems associated with effective incorporation of environmental accounting principles in practice will also be identified. Although the paper relies extensively on review and analysis of the research literature instead of primary data provided by the UK, US and other companies it barely undermines its credibility. Firstly, only highly credited scholarly sources and authors are included in the review. Secondly, the existing research provides valuable hints on such aspects of environmental accounting which might have remained unnoticed for a relatively inexperienced in this field person. The below discussion is divided into several subsections to 2. Environmental Reporting Defined The environmental Working Party of the European Federation of Accountants defines the objective of environmental reporting as follows: the provisions of information about the environmental impact and performance of an entity that is useful to relevant stakeholders in assessing their relationship with the reporting entity (Dixon, Mousa and Woodhead 2004). In other words, the aim of environmental accounting is to identify use of environmental resources and all measures taken in this area and to communicate costs of an organization's actual or potential impact on the environment. These costs include the expenditures to clean up or remediate sites contaminated as a result of an organizatio

Monday, September 23, 2019

Peter Jones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Peter Jones - Essay Example Most people thus have a ready list of their most admired entrepreneurs. And to find out who are the most admired entrepreneurs, several business entities commission surveys to find out the most admired entrepreneurs list. Oprah Winfrey is perhaps today's most admired woman entrepreneur in the whole world. Forbes Magazine had listed her in 2006 as one of the richest people on earth with fortunes worth more than a billion (Haig 2006,p.155). She had also been touted as 'one of the most powerful celebrities in the United States" (Butler 2006,p.73). And yet, she has remained humble and compassionate, exerting great efforts in philanthropic works and influencing and affecting people all over the world with the inspirational and educational nature of her TV and movie shows. With all these, she had made a difference in the lives of people and this caused all the adulation and admiration heaped on her. She thus topped the list of Readers' Most Admired Entrepreneur in America (Popula r Culture Association in the South 2007,p.75). In another recent survey of 1000 teenagers in America, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs edged out Oprah Winfrey and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as the most admired entrepreneur in America. ... The rationale behind his selection was that Job "made a difference in or improved people's lives or made the world a better place" as well as because Jobs attained "success in multiple fields" (Thomson 2009, . In UK, in a poll held by the Scottish Institute of Enterprise and with 700 student entrepreneurs selected from among Scotland's 13 universities as respondents, Cobra Beer founder Karan Bilimoria came out the most admired toppling such heavyweight entrepreneurs as Richard Branson and Bill Gates. The usual reason behind the choice was that Bilimoria had "led by example and triumphed through his tenacity and strong belief in his vision". It was pointed out that Bilimoria "has had enormous success in building a business from scratch". The unexpected choice of Bilimoria had compelled Sharon Bamford, the Institute director to comment: "Vision is clearly an important quality in growing a business and is often linked with the entrepreneurial flair. However, good leaders exhibit a breadth of leadership qualities and Karan Bilimoria is a prime example of this" ( However top-notch UK entrepreneurs such as OgilvyMather managing director Guy Lambert professed that to them the mos t admired entrepreneur remains to be Richard Branson (Campaign News 2007, In fact, when "other business people are asked to name the person they most admire", the oftentimes answer is Richard Branson (Bolton & Thompson 2004,p.132). Virgin founder Branson is no doubt an entrepreneurial legend and will leave this world a lasting3 legacy.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Nursing research study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nursing research study - Essay Example It is also essential to point out that the violence in the adults only with intellectual disabilities has been stretched here with prominence. Numerous researchers have laid the area of their work on the violence in care of adult with learning disability (Bonner, et al. 2002; Coyne, 2002; Duxbury, and Whittington, 2005; Hegney, et al. 2003). This is because there is a rising demand in the in-depth study of the violence behavior in the adults in the care centre. The present topic holds a clear title and refers in a very straightforward manner of presence to the topic, which is essentially in demand. We would say that the lock and key arrangement of the topic with the text has been exhibited in the present paper. Strand (2004) and experts in the paper begin their essential focus of interest in the topic by providing a short background and literature review as relevant to the topic. They mention that violence holds its presence in the form of physical, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse. They also held their emphasis that the problem of violence in adults with intellectual disability is quite often underreported. The objective for the present study as presented by Strand and colleagues was to study the present picture with more relevance to the caregivers. The focus was held on the Swedish adult persons with intellectual disability and their caregivers' in-group dwellings. ... It is important to mention that the best research finds its most authentic roof place in a good selection and application of design. In the present research, a total population based survey was carried out. For the purpose of data collection, a questionnaire was forwarded to 164 staff members. The staff members had their belonging from 17 care settings for adults with intellectual disability. The response rate as observed in the research study was 74%. Thus, it should be noted that reliability and validity features of the data to be collected was addressed. Collection of data from 17 different care settings does really reveal that the variation in the results due to change in the location has been kept under crucial consideration. However, we still recommend that a larger sample size of the staff members could have resulted in adding more confidence in the results obtained from the present research study. Questionnaire as a method of data collection presents certain advantages and the important one of them is that it is less expensive and less time consuming (Bassett, 20 00; Bishop, and Freshwater, 2004; Cormack, 2000). Considering the amount of work pressure as faced by the staff members in the care of adult with learning disability, it thus proved to be a better option. In addition, since more than 100 participants were included for the purpose of study, interview as a means of data collection was not a feasible option. The technical skill as required for conducting interview holds its absence in the case of questionnaire (Hendrick, 2000; Ogier, 1998; Parahoo, 1997; Silverman, 1997). Thus, once the questionnaire is constructed skillfully the investigator

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gem X by Nicky Singer and Genetic Engineering Essay Example for Free

Gem X by Nicky Singer and Genetic Engineering Essay The Science Fiction Book Project is a physics project in which students describe an example of science fiction and the scientific feasibility of the author’s ideas. It promotes the school improvement writing goal by allowing a student to pick a book of their choice read it, research one topic in the book, and write a scientific paper discussing the future of the science of their chosen topic. The book chosen for this project is â€Å"Gem X† by Nicky Singer. In the book, Maxo is a GemX (who1). A GemX is a being who is genetically manipulated to be flawless. Maxo, having the top gene line up and being intelligent and handsome, is the epitome of perfect. He lives in the Polis (where1), a city in the future (when). Maxo finds a crack in his face, which is only supposed to happen to Dreggies, which are the wretched underclass of unenhanced â€Å"naturals.† Maxo begins to search for a cure to the crack in his skin (what1). Maxo is not the only GemX with a crack in his skin; thousands of others in the Polis are experiencing the same horrifying shock as him. The Leaders of the Polis don’t want to give Igo Strang, Maxo’s father and the lead scientist of the Polis, the time that it takes to do the research for why this is happening—the solution is much more dramatic than they think. Maxo tries to save himself and the others from the secrecy and lies of the Polis (why1). On the outside of the Polis where all of the Dreggies live, violence, poverty, and ugliness are routine (where2). There, lives a Dreggie named Gala (who2). Gala is looking for her missing father (what2) who â€Å"disappeared† while volunteering for scientific research in the Polis. Her dying mother’s last request is to see her father (why2). She runs into Maxo on his journey, and he may be the key to finding her father. His father was  the last person to see hers, and she may be able to get information from him. None of them realize that they are all pawns in a bigger game. The city’s Supreme Leader has plans that will leave their lives hanging in the balance. People may develop different opinions about the book, â€Å"Gem X.† The idea and subject of the book give potential in being a great story, but in my opinion it was a poorly written book. Its flow and structure did not appeal. This book is not recommended to those who are picky and read higher quality books. The scientific subject in the book was genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is the deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic material. Because it is the alteration of genetic code by artificial means, it is different from traditional selective breeding. Genetic engineering includes cloning and genetic selection. An example of genetic engineering is taking the gene that programs poison in the tail of a scorpion, and combining it with a cabbage. These genetically modified cabbages kill caterpillars because they have learned to grow scorpion poison (insecticide) in their sap. There are two types of cloning: therapeutic and reproductive. Therapeutic cloning involves cloning cells from an adult for use in medicine and medical research. Reproductive cloning, which is a whole different matter, is creating an identical copy of a human being, and is highly controversial. Reproductive cloning is has not been performed on humans and is illegal in most countries. Gene selection procedures can be applied after a fetus or an embryo is tested through prenatal screening or through Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). PGD tests embryos for genetic sequences associated with specific conditions. A cell is extracted from an embryo at its eighth cell stage and analyzed. Embryos with the selected characteristics can be implanted in a woman’s uterus to develop into a child. Genetic engineering is important because it can help us prevent people from being born with diseases and disorders. It can also change produce such as vegetables from attaining bacteria or being eaten up by bugs. It can also increase their level of nutrition as well. In the past, there have been numerous attempts in genetic engineering, both ending with good and bad results. Scientists have worked on genetically modifying animals and plants, to improve them. One example is changing the genetics in produce animals such as chickens so that they become even bigger than the normal and healthy-sized chicken, to increase income when selling them. PGD was introduced in 1990 and is used to prevent Down’s syndrome, Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell, Huntington’s chorea, and Cooley’s anemia. They have also attempted at cloning as well. They have only done reproductive cloning on animals, and it never got the desired results. Athletes have always desired better sports performance, and have driven many trainers and athletes to abuse scientific research to try and gain unfair advantage over their competitors. Such efforts involved the use of performance-enhancing drugs originally meant to treat people with disease. This action is called doping, and it frequently involves substances such as steroids and growth hormones. Today, cloning and gene selection are popular science fiction topics in movies, books, and comics. PGD has become controversial as well because some parents want to use it to select their baby’s gender and cosmetic traits such as eye color and type of hair to design their own child. Like in â€Å"Gem X†, they want to have, in their own way, a perfect child. A new variation of PGD, Pre-Implantation Genetic Haplotyping, allows for many more genes to be tested with greater accuracy. A new reproductive technique involving in-vitro fertilization has become possible as well. There are currently also problems of gene doping, which is the nontherapeutic use of cells, genes, or genetic elements to enhance athletic performance, and it takes advantage of the gene therapy that involves the transfer of genetic material to human cells to treat them. It increases the amount of proteins and hormones that cells normally make. Although many people desire the ability to select certain genes to have certain traits or clone themselves, the idea of human  genetic engineering raises numerous ethical and legal questions, and it is very controversial in itself as well as its techniques. Many other people are highly against it because it is against our morals and ethics, and they just think it is wrong. Scientists believe that once we overcome these arguments of ethics and morals, develop the technology required, and retrieve more information, we will be able to perform successful genetic engineering on humans in the future. This includes cloning, and gene selection. Researchers are only beginning to use the genetic technology to unravel the genomic contributions to different phenotypes and as they do so, they are also discovering a variety of other potential applications for this technology. The only limits barring genetic engineering are our imagination and ethical code. In the future, cloning and gene selection will be possible. â€Å"Gem X† is a science fiction book that discusses the topic of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is the deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic material. It can be both helpful, and hazardous, and it may be possible in the future. Genetic engineering gives scientists the ability to alter the very basis of life. Works Cited Genetic Engineering: What is Genetic Engineering?. Futurist growth strategies keynote speaker Patrick Dixon N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2012. Positive Health Online | Article Genetic Engineering Today: The Promise and the Ethics. Positive Health Online | Homepage Welcome to PositiveHealthOnline USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2012. Simmons, Danielle . Genetic Inequality: Human Genetic Engineering. Scitable by Nature Education . N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2012.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Hong Kong Government Commerce Essay

The Hong Kong Government Commerce Essay The Hong Kong Government had decided to build the new runway in HKIA. It will bring the advantage and the disadvantage to Hong Kong. It will identify the third runways impact by review the literatures. Moreover, it will do the survey with the Hong Kong citizen to identify what factor they are concern with build the third runway and whether support to build the new runway. It also review the case study to identify which factor needs to concern during construct the third runway in Hong Kong. After doing the survey and review the literature and case study, I expect to find out the answer whether to build up the third runway and the reason to support the answer. Aim This project will identify the impact of the new runway in HKIA and find the answer which is whether to build the new runway. I will find out the answer through review the literatures and do the survey. The third runway is an issue which we need to concern. In the past, HKIA had contributed directly to Hong Kongs economy. Hong Kongs aviation industry generated HK$78 billion in value added contribution in 2008. It represents 4.6% of Hong Kongs GDP. In 2010, it supports the four pillar industries of HK. They are tourism, trading and logistics, financial services, producer and professional services which together accounted for 58% of Hong Kongs GDP in 2010 (Airport Authority Hong Kong n.d.a). The new runway will bring the advantage and the disadvantage to Hong Kong. We need to analysis it whether it is better or not after build the new runway. Objective 1. Find the reason of the HKIA need to build up the new runway. 2. Finding literatures for the discussion or information about the third runway, such as any positive and negative views, suggestions, analysis the impact which the third runway will bring about the HKIA to build up the third runway. 3. Gathering the view of people support and oppose to build the third runway in Hong Kong International Airport by work out a questionnaire/survey. 4. Gathering the concern factor in Hong Kong International Airport by review the case study. 5. Analyse the data of (3), (4) and compare with literatures to determine problems that is impact of build the third runway which is Hong Kong local concern. 6. Suggestion of recommendations and conclusions will be based on the above data. Background Table -1 tentative layout of the Three Runway System (Airport Authority Hong Kong n.d.e)The Hong Kong International Airport is the worlds busiest cargo gateway and one of the worlds 10 busiest passenger airports. In 2011, 53.9 million passengers used HKIA and 3.9 million tonnes of air cargo passed through Hong Kong (Airport Authority Hong Kong n.d.b). The AA had considered the long term development of HKIA. To cope with the increasing air traffic demand and competition, Airport Authority has published Master Plan 2030 and makes a three-month consultation to gauge public opinion on HKIAs future development. 73% of respondents supported the proposal to build the third runway to meet the airports long-term growth demand (Airport Authority Hong Kong n.d.c). The development of the third runway is involves construction of a third runway, related taxiway systems and navigation aids, and airfield facilities, the third runway aprons and passenger concourses, expansion of the existing Terminal 2 etc. Tentative Layout of the Three-Runway System Critical review of literature The reason of build the third runway The demand of HKIA in the 2030 The International Air Transport Association Consulting had estimated by 2030: the flight movements are estimated to reach 602,000 flights with a CAGR of 3.2 %( Airport Authority Hong Kong n.d.d). It reflects the demand of the HKIA is increase in the future. Table -2 the demand of flight movement (Airport Authority Hong Kong n.d.e) HKIA Flight Movement Projection (Up to 2030) The base-case demand forecast shows that annual flight movements at HKIA will reach 602,000 by 2030 The capacity of two runway in HKIA For the capacity of the two existing runway in HKIA, it is 54 flights/ per hour in 2007, 55flights/ per hour in 2008, 58 flights/ per hour in 2009, 62 flights/ per hour in 2011, 68 flights / per hour in 2015. It is the ultimate capacity of the two runways in 2015. If no action taken, the ultimate capacity would be saturated around 2020 and it would take more than 10 years to complete a new runway (Dr. C.K. Law 2012). The airport competition The HKIA have competitors in Asia. The nearly all major hubs in the region are having plan or complete to build more runways. The Seoul Incheon Airports third runway taxiway system began in 2002 and was completed in 2008. It currently service with forty four million passengers. For capacity of the flights, it cans capacity of 410,000 flights and nearly 4.5 million tonnes of cargo per year. The Seoul Incheon Airport is continued to expand. The construction is set to continue until 2020. After the construction, it will be able to handle one hundred million passengers, 700 million tonnes of cargo and 530,000 flights per year (Halcrow 2011). The Construction cost is about US$1.22 billion (Aviation Policy and Research Center, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics 2007:8). In Mainland China, GuangZhou Baiyun Airport also implement the third runway and will be completed in 2015(Dr. C.K. Law 2012). The view of different people in Hong Kong for build the third runway The view of Hong Kong Government In March 2012, the secretary for transport and housing Eva Cheng stated that the HK government would show the support to the Airport Authority. The Airport Authority can proceed an environmental impact assessment which is expected to take two years, must cover marine ecology, noise and air quality, and plan design details and financial arrangements (Alisha Haridasani 2012). The view of the airline Cathay Pacific has been rooted in Hong Kong for more than 66 years and today connects the city to 170 destinations around the world (Cathay Pacific 2012). For the view of Cathay Pacific, it believes that a third runway is the only viable way to ensure the long-term competitiveness of Hong Kong as an important international airport. John Slosar, the Chief Executive of Cathay Pacific, stated that the third runway is importance for Hong Kong citizen. It can bring the welfare for them. Moreover, the third runway is vital the sustainability of the Hong Kong economy. The demand of build the third runway is become increasing. He also mentioned that the existing runways are already heavily used through most of the operating day that finding take-off and landing slots for additional flights is increasingly difficult. The existing runways will saturate between fifteen and twenty years early before the forecast of 2040. Mr Slosar said that as the airport becomes busier and busier, the capacity of the two runways will soon be saturated. If Hong Kong does not decisively to build the new runway, it will lose its advantage for competitive in aviation industry (Cathay Pacific 2011). The view of environmental group in HK The WWF is the one of the environmental group in HK. It supports the sustainable development of Hong Kong, and the associated benefits for its citizens (WWF n.d.a). However, it has a number of serious environmental concerns about the third runway proposal. The Chinese Dolphins, the fisheries and carbon emission are the WWF hopes the Hong Kong government will consider during build the third runway (WWF n.d.b). The view of the citizens in Hong Kong The Hong Kong Airport Authority was held the three- month public consultation on Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan 2030. It was held between 3 June and 2 September 2011. It was done 24,242 of the questionnaire during the public consultation. For the result of the questionnaire, it indicated that the majority of respondents 80% agree or strongly agree that Hong Kong Airport Authority should make a decision urgently on Hong Kong International Airports future expansion plans. There are 73% of respondents prefer the three-runway option, with 11% opting to maintain the two-runway system and 16% remaining neutral(Airport Authority Hong Kong 2011). The impact of the third runway in Hong Kong International Airport Economic impact In fact, the aviation industry is essential role in Hong Kongs development of economic. The professional services, trading and logistics, financial services and tourism are affecting mostly by the aviation industry (James Tong 2011). The new runway can increase the economy. After the Enright, Scott Associates Ltd analysis, it estimate the direct, indirect and induced contribution of HKIA to Hong Kongs GDP in 2030 will be HK$167 billion, equivalent to around 4.6% of the HKSARs GDP forecast for 2030. For the job opportunity, it estimates the direct employment associated with HKIA would reach 141,000 and indirect/induced employment would be about 199,000(Airport Authority Hong Kong n.d.g:189). Keep Hong Kong s position as aviation hub James Tong stated that the upcoming third runway construction is to maintain lead in the aviation industry. The geographic location is the Hong Kongs advantage. The main advantage of the location of Hong Kong is its international connections in destinations and flights. It can be connected to 160 destinations. The third runway can increases capacity. It is enhanced the Hong Kongs aviation position by keep up with the growing trends of aviation industry and handle with the strong demand in aviation industry. The overall of Hong Kong economic also be increased after construct the new runway. If not to build the new runway, Hong Kong may lose the position as aviation hub in Asia .The competitors in Asia is aggressive to enhance its aviation position and exceed the Hong Kongs aviation position (James Tong 2011). Environmental impact The WWF had stated some of the environmental impact during constructing the third runway in Hong Kong International Airport. The construction brings the negative effect for the Chinese dolphins. During the construction of third runway, it is increased activity in the water. The Chinese dolphins will increase the risk. It is because dolphins in the nearby marine park. It is less than 1 km away from the proposed construction site. It will undoubtedly be disturbed by the construction. The construction may changes in water quality and affects their food supply. The WWF stated that the carbon emission is the concern. The third runway will increase the number of aircraft movements per day. It is leading to a massive increase in Hong Kongs carbon emissions. The third runway will only drive them higher (WWF n.d.b). Research Methods In the research, it will be implemented the inductive approach. The purpose of this research will collect different view, opinion and the concern factor about build the new runway in HKIA. Survey For the survey, the research will collect the data through the questionnaire. A non-probability sampling techniques like convenience sampling and snowball sampling would be adopt for the questionnaire. For the types of questionnaire, it will be used Internet-mediated questionnaires and delivery and collection questionnaires. For the Internet-mediated questionnaires, it would post the questionnaires on the internet. It is mainly post on the Hong Kong website. For the delivery and collection questionnaires, it is going to ask 200 interviewers to collect the data. It would analysis the data after data has been collected. Case Study There are similar situation with Hong Kong International Airport in other country. It will review the cases which are about construct the new runway. Identify the factor which needs to concern for the Hong Kong International Airport during the case study. Project Plan C:UsershpDesktopYuenCITYà ¦Ã…“ ªÃƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ½Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ 2.png

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hypnotism :: essays papers

Hypnotism The Encarta Encyclopedia defines hypnosis as,"altered state of consciousness and heightened responsiveness to suggestion; it may be induced by normal persons by a variety of methods and has been used occasionally in medical and psychiatric treatment. Most frequently brought about through actions of an operator, or "hypnotist", who engages the attention of a subject and assigns certain tasks to him or her while uttering monotonous, repetitive verbal commands; such tasks may include muscle relaxation, eye fixation, and arm leviation. Hypnosis also may be self-induced, by trained relaxation, concentration on one's own breathing, or by a variety of monotonous practices and rituals that are found in many mystical, philosophical, and religious systems." Another generally reliable source Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines it as,"a sleep like condition psychically induced, usually by another person, in which the subject loses consciousness but responds, with certain limitations, to the suggestions of the hypnotist." As I stated earlier, these two sources are very reputed and the general population believes that they are correct. Yet, however often they may be correct, in this case they are not, or at least not completely. Not according to the scientific community at least. My sources for this statement are The World Book Encyclopedia, The Wizard from Vienna: Franz Anton Mesmer, Applied Hypnosis: An Overview, American Medical Journal, and Hypnosis: Is It For You? Although they state it in different ways they all basically agree that nobody can give a very accurate definition or description of hypnosis, or hypnosis. Although some may get the definition partly correct, the chances of doing so completely are very, very low. So although I will probably not be able to give a totally accurate account of hypnosis and its workings, I will try. Although evidence suggests that hypnosis has been practiced in some form or another for several thousand years, such as in coal walking, the earliest recorded history of hypnosis begins in 1734. It begins with a man named Franz Anton Mesmer. Although he was eventually disavowed by the scientific community because of his unorthodox methods that made him seem more of a mysticist that a scientist, he is generally known as the father of hypnotism. Mesmer called his methods Mesmerism, thus the word mesmerize, but the name didn't stick, it later changed to hypnosis, its name being derived from Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep. He believed that hypnosis was reached by using a person's "animal magnetism". He used "mesmerism" to cure illness. In 1795 an English physician named James Braid, who was originally opposed to Mesmer's methods became interested. He believed that cures were not due to animal

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Films and Media Misrepresenting Race Essay -- Matrix Racism Blacks Ess

Films and Media Misrepresenting Race abstract: In many ways technology makes access to academic work, research and employment easier and faster. However, I am concerned that technology is too often chosen over humanity. Historically,representations of African Americans in technological media tend to value "white" bodies at the expense of Black bodies (Stam and Spence, 1983). Further, recent studies show (Zickmund 2000), in fact, the ways in which some World Wide Web sites make it easier for hate groups to spread their misinformation, contributing to the devaluation of black bodies in technological media. Together, these media representations can be understood in terms of a digital devide between technological "haves" and "have-nots". Film and new media play integral roles in misrepresenting race. The film,The Matrix, reflects these problematic representations of race. Yet it provides critical metaphors for African Americans who contend that we are controlled by beings other than ourselves, and that our bodies must first b e filtered through white bodies to be considered valuable. introduction The 1999 movie The Matrix is considerably more than entertainment for me. It experiments with the idea that we are all pawns of other beings. The Matrix leads the viewer into a world where humans are controlled by secret mechanical forces wishing to enslave humanity. Through critical thinking the humans in The Matrix are able to break the chains of bondage and reclaim their divine nature. Like the characters in The Matrix, I have often felt that I was trapped in an alternate reality, that everyone else around me is trapped as well, pawns in a game, and more importantly, I wonder what would happen if we resisted... ...e Spence, "Colonialism, Racism, and Representation: An Introduction," from Braudy, Leo and Cohen, Marshall, eds. Film Theory and Criticism 5th. ed. (New York : Oxford University Press,1999) Crane, David, "In Medias Race," from Kolko, Nakamura, Rodman, eds., Race In Cyberspace (New York: Routledge,2000) Marx, Leo, "Information Technology in Historical Perspective," from High Technology and Low-Income Communities (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999) Mitchell, William, "The City of Bits Hypothesis", in High Technology and Low-Income Communities (Cambridge,MIT Press, 1999) Latimer, Christopher P. "New York State Forum for Information Resource Management Rockefeller Institute of Government". (Albany, NY:NYSFIRM, 2001) Zickmund, Susan "Approaching The Radical Other: the Discursive culture of Cyberhate" from the Cyberculture Reader (London/New York: Routhledge,2000)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Impact of Social Idealogy on Virginia Woolfs To The Lighthouse Ess

The Impact of Social Idealogy on Woolf's To the Lighthouse     Ã‚   Throughout literature the ideology of the society in which the author was living is evident in the text. This can cause certain groups within a text to be empowered while the other groups are marginalised and constrained by the social restrictions placed upon them by the ideology. In the novel To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, Woolf shows us an awareness of gender politics during the 1920 ¹s Britain by subverting the traditional gender roles but at the same time naturalises notions of class causing certain groups to be constrained.    In the novel Woolf subverts the patriarchial portrayal of feminism with the character of Lily Brascoe. Lily is constructed as an independent character who defies the ingrained beleifs of how a woman should act. She does this through her actions in a different style despite Mr Tansley ¹s assertion that Å’women can ¹t write, women can ¹t paint ¹ and refuses to marry even though it was a popular belief that all women should marry Å’as an unmarried woman has missed the best of life ¹. Instead Lily thought that that 'she did not need to marry, thank heaven she did not need to undergo that degradation. Woolf applauds this attitude, as at the completion of the novel, Lily is one of the few characters who has achieved fulfilment or in her case the completion of a painting begun ten years prior.    Yet although the character of Lily and her decisions are applauded in the text, Lily is only enabled to have such an attitude because of her status as a member of the wealthier class. In the novel, class is viewed more as a benign structure for the common good than as a structure in which the members of the higher ... ...t notions of class, class and gender were so closely intertwined that men and women of wealthier classes within the text were often privileged while those of the lower class found themselves constrained by the gender roles pertaining to them. This is often the case as in a particular ideology, as gender roles vary for different social background.    Works Cited and Consulted Jameson, Fredric. " Social Idealogy in Woolf's To the Lighthouse" Twentieth Century Literature, Spring 1994 v40 n1 p15. Latham, Jacqueline, ed. Critics on Virginia Woolf. Florida: University of Miami Press, 1970. O'Brien Schaefer, Josephine. Reality in the Novels of Virginia Woolf. The Hague: Mouton and Co., 1965, pp. 111-13, 118-25. (Latham, pg. 72-78). Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. Introduction by D.M. Hoare, Ph.D. London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1960   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Marketing Solution Essay

This paper will use a problem solving model to solve Classic Airline’s marketing problem. The company is suffering within the airline industry due to several factors, a couple being the massive increase of costs for fuel and labor. The resolution in conquering the airlines dilemma will be addressed in a comprehensive nine-step problem solving model. This model will include Defining the Problem, Gathering Facts, Feelings, and Opinion, Identifying the Real Problem, Generate Possible Solutions, Generate Possible Solutions, Evaluate Alternatives, Select Best Alternatives, Gain Approval and Support, Implement Decision and Evaluate Results. The factors of this difficulty in the marketing of this company will be identified, analyzed, followed by a robust decision on the strategy to resolve Classic Airlines’ crisis. Step One: The Problem There has been a reduction in employee morale (which is at an all time low), the increase in fuel and labor has contributed to the increase in expenses these factors have the airline in a tailspin within the industry. This is not all due to marketing the company can not be held accountable for the price of fuel nor can it take responsibility for the scrutiny on the airlines from the sectors of the economy outside of the airline industry. According to the American Marketing Association Board of Directors (2012), Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process (Definition of Marketing Research, sec. 2). The research in marketing is vital to Classic Airline’s ability to correct most of its problems it will not only bring loyal customers back but provide other opportunities for the airline to further stabilize itself within the airline industry. The key to the research required for the airline is to be as in depth as possible with the opinion of the public, it will also require the company to find the most cost effective resources for fuel and labor. The research shows that economic conditions have contributed to a reduction of ticket purchases however it is not the price of the ticket that has caused the decline. Step Two: Gathering the Facts, Feelings and Opinions The position in the airline industry of Classic Airlines is that it is the 5th largest airline in the world. The leader with the airlines comprises more than 375 jets that travel to 240 cities and run in excess of 2,300 flights a day (University of Phoenix, 2012). The company employs about 32,000 professionals to maintain its massive operation. This industry colossal earned over $10 million in profit on $8. 7 billion in ticket sales. In spite of the leader position in the business Classic Airlines is experiencing some negative changes recently. In the last year, the Classic Reward Program saw a 19% decline in the number of members and the current members purchased 21% less flights (University of Phoenix, 2012). The feelings of the employees are based on the public’s opinion of the airline industry which has caused them to have doubts about their line of work and the stability of the business. The Labor Union is the focal point in gathering the feelings of the employees, which are the airline greatest assets. Classic Airlines can increase moral by addressing the employees’ labor contracts to show their staff that they are appreciated. During the Shareholders meeting the company officials can hear the opinions of the group of people that do not control the everyday operation of the company but provide vital capital to the airline. In many ways the opinion of the Shareholders are a direct reflection of the publics’ view of the industry and the company. Shareholders are the owners of a business and are the ultimate decision-makers on the direction of a company. While the management of a company has the day-to-day decision-making power, shareholders guide the strategy, financing and selection of management of the firm. In many cases, shareholders are the management of the firm (Azcentral. com 2013). The opinion of the upper management via the CEO, Amanda Miller, and CFO, Catherine Simpson, are strictly addressing the problem through looking at the numbers and trying to make adjustments accordingly. This is of the opposite opinion on the CMO, Kevin Boyle, who feels that marketing will regain the trust of the general public, the employees and the shareholders to increase confidence in the airline. The conflict for Classic Airlines lies in whether or not the vastly different opinions on how to provide a olution to the company can be merged or selectively decided upon. Step Three: Identify the Real Problem The facts have been gathered and it has previously been stated that the confidence in the industry has not been the same across the board. This is due to events that have nothing to do directly with the 5th largest airline in the world, Classic Airlines, or any other company in the business. The othe r side effect of the catastrophe of September 11th caused the economy to shift in a downward motion which triggered prices to rise. The effects of the economy and the disaster have caused a serious predicament in the increase in expenses for materials, fuel, labor, costs of goods and services, and labor which also reduced customer confidence. The Classic Rewards Program is suffering losses every year and the frequent flier association has suffered a loss of around 20% of its members (University of Phoenix, 2012). The feelings of the employees are likewise a reflection of the lack of confidence the general public feels towards the industry and Classic Airlines is not developing confidence by refusing to address its labor issues to stabilize their employees. The Shareholders are also not confident in the company not because it was not preserving its market share or position in the industry however the external factors caused them to be a bit more cautious in investing their money. The final real problem is the polarization in upper management which has to be resolved immediately to not only reflect a positive direction for shareholders but that will result in a solution that sets Classic Airlines apart from its competition. Another real problem for example, is the data system the company uses which is the Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) that has not been utilized properly and in doing so has allowed the company to not actualize what is causing their customer’s dissatisfaction. In correlation to the opinion of the CMO, Kevin Boyle, in addressing the needs of the customer could provide profitability and the ability to give their customers what they are lacking. The upper management should not look at this time as a number crunching session nor should it drift away in contentment. Conversely Classic Airline should take this opportunity to explore new ideas and options that will solidify the fact that they are one of the industry leaders for a reason. If all these real problems are address correctly the company will maintain or even increase its place in the airline industry. Step Four: Generate Possible Solutions There are several possibilities that will affect the profitability of the airline. They can merge with another airline or downsize the company by separating the domestic and international businesses with the possibility of selling off the lower producing divisions. Sell the less used planes and equipment to generate immediate income for the company to use in other areas. The shareholders can deem the Upper Management as underachieving and begin to replace them with what they would consider more qualified candidates, in hopes of getting into the correct position within the airline industry. Classic Airlines can concentrate its focus on the employees and customers to increase their confidence. The company could look at the financial picture of the company and make adjustments to make the streamline the firm. Selling off the plane and equipment may be risky because of the lack of customer confidence. Classic could also look to expand globally to gain a larger market share in the foreign market. The shareholder removing the Upper Management would be too time consuming and too much of a chance if in fact the replacement can not improve the missteps of the original managers. Concentrating on the employees and costumers may be the cornerstone of success for the company because the employees are already familiar with their duties and the customers were loyal in the past. This simply means that the pieces are already in place to stabilize the company but the strategies must be implemented. Step Five: Evaluate Alternatives Downsizing is almost like throwing in the towel for the 5th largest airline in the world and it probably would not be cost effective with the climate in the airline industry. Merging with another company within reason may help to increase the overall scope of the company if the opportunity to maintain market share was present. The company could streamline its resources and utilize every tool that is accessible to them in order to run a more efficient organization. Global expansion could bring in more revenue with a slight transference in the amount of flights from low producing locations. Step Six: Best Alternatives The solution to this vast problem within Classic Airlines starts with Upper Management. The management team needs to get on the same page, committed to gearing the company in a positive direction and being open minded then good things will follow for the company. The first problem to be addressed begins with the most valuable asset of any company, the employees. The CEO and CFO need to hold a meeting with the CMO to get an idea of why the employee moral is so low and what issues they have with the Labor Union. In doing so, they can form a strategy to allow the opinions of the employees to be heard but having themselves prepared to meet their employees’ demands and needs within reason. The next step in providing a possible solution is to gather as much data on the customers as possible to get them back to flying with Classic. The Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) needs to have a direct Administrator that is specifically in charge of gathering data about the customers. This information plays a major role in exploring the customer’s needs and wants. The administrator will provide the information to Upper Management so they will be informed of why they are loosing business yearly. Once the information is collected and documented management can strategize on meeting the customer’s needs. The airline may have to give away a few trips, coupons, provide better seating or more beer on longer flights, nonetheless if the company provides what the customer demands it will surely gain the business that it has lost and probably more than anticipated. Classic Airlines would not exist without its customers or its employees, therefore these problems should be address immediately. According to new research from the University of Missouri (MU), CEOs who pay attention to employees’ job satisfaction are able to boost both customer satisfaction and increase the number of customers who intend to do repeat business with the company (www. usinessnewsdaily. com 2013). The next problem can be solved by executing the previous solutions which will gain confidence in the marketplace and peak the interest of potential investors to start looking into Classic Airlines once again. Upper Management needs to hold a Shareholders meeting to address the changes that were identified in the two previous solutions and what that has provided for the company’s revenue potential. Hold the meeting will show the investors that they are up for the task as Upper Management and provide the investors with the confidence that hey desperately needed in the airline. The CMO, Keith Boyle has a former colleague, Osef Wymann, Marketing Executive of Skyway Airlines in Switzerland that can expand the business globally (University of Phoenix 2012). This opportunity can increase the European scope of the company and allow for growth in that arena. Implementing these solutions could increase the total profitability of Classic Airlines and curtail the financial difficulties that the company is currently confronting. Step Seven: Gain Approval and Support The solutions provided in the previous section would be presented to Upper Management, Employees and Shareholders alike. The company as a whole would be an open book and all opinions are addressed and heard throughout the process. It is the job of Upper Management to research and know the concerns of all contributors to the operation of the company. In any given situation everyone will not agree, however if the collect issues are addressed and met then the ideals, goals and expectations are set and should be fairly easy to implement. Step Eight: Implement Decision After Upper Management has gained the support of all of its contributors it is now time to implement the solutions. Weekly meetings will be held by all departments of the airline with all employees to reiterate what the goals of the company are moving forward. There will be monthly meetings with mid and upper management to discuss the results of the meetings and gather data on the success and the short comings. The CRM administrator should provide a daily report to the executives of Classic Airlines to insure customer satisfaction. The international venture with Skyway Airlines will be supervised by the CMO selecting a staff and monitoring the successes or failures. Eventually this will be removed as a responsibility of the CMO but because of the relationship he has with the executive of Skyway it would make sense for him to begin the business model. It is imperative that Upper Management address the labor Union and the shareholders to make sure their needs are being met on a quarterly basis. Step Nine: Evaluate Results In every facet of Classic Airlines there will be surveys, customer service inquiries, polling, advertisement offering a toll free customer service number, internet contact information for opinions on the customer’s experience. In every meeting room from the local employees’ weekly meeting to the quarterly shareholder gala there will be comment cards and surveys. This data will be collected and put into document form so that Upper Management will remain aware of there level of success. With all of these provisions in place Classic Airline is sure to overcome its current problems and fly above the competition.

How Does One Achieve the American Dream?

How does one achieve the American Dream? The answer undoubtedly depends upon one’s definition of the Dream, and there are many from which to choose. John Winthrop envisioned a religious paradise in a â€Å"City upon a Hill. † Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of racial equality. Both men yearned for what they perceived as perfection. But, the definition of the American Dream is an idea which suggests that all people can succeed through hard work, and that all people have the potential to live happy, successful lives. It matters not who you are and what ethnic group you’re from, you can achieve the American dream. Lets look at Martin Luther King Jr. He turned the world up-side-down by going against the odds, (during the time of the Civil Rights Movement) proclaiming ‘that all men are created equal’. He was a well known civil rights leader who stood up for his beliefs in a non-violent way. Through perseverance and determination, he was able to maintain his focus of letting America know that he deserved to be treated with dignity and respect. Although, his untimely death of assassination, it was though his actions and dedications that can be pronounced Martin Luther King to be an excellent example of one who achieved the American dream. His struggles paved the way for others, to become a part of the great â€Å"melting pot† regardless of nationality or background. These include Oprah Winfrey and our newly elected 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Obama creating a new day and time this country, America. Oprah Winfrey is a prime example of someone who achieved the American Dream. As a child her life was not a fairy tale at all. At a young age Winfrey's parents separated and sent her to live with grandparents in very poor surroundings. Later, at the age of six she moved to live with her mother. She was consequently sexually molested by male relatives at a young age and endured the hardship up until she was 14. She moved to live with her father in Nashville Tennessee. Living with her father did not eliminate her problems even though he was loving (yet strict) towards her. She struggled with drugs and rebellious behavior and even the loss of a baby after giving birth to it prematurely. Wild behavior conflicted with her father's strict rules and high standards. After being awarded a University Scholarship she eventually began to settle down. Winfrey studied at the Tennessee State University and received a BA in Speech and Performing Arts. It was her father's high standards that inspired her to aim for and achieve more from life. Winfrey became involved in several groups and pursued her interests in media and journalism while at University. Even though her early years in life where filled with hardship, she was always gifted with intelligence and she graduated as an honors student. Winfrey's career really began to take off after moving to Chicago in 1984 to host â€Å"AM Chicago†, an early morning talk show at WLS-TV's. It went on to become the number one ranked talk show shortly after she started and it was renamed â€Å"The Oprah Winfrey Show† after one year. The Oprah Winfrey Show went on to become one of the most successful and highest ranked television talk show programs in history. Oprah Winfrey continues to follow her dreams through her many business and media interests. She is one of the wealthiest women in the United States of America and is regularly placed high up on the Forbes magazine Rich List each year. Winfrey continues to influence and inspire people worldwide with her example of overcoming great odds to achieve great success financially, spiritually and socially. Barack Obama is such an exceptionally, smart, African American man. On January 20, 2009 Obama became the first African American president of the USA. He accomplished the American dream without a doubt. He proved to the black society as well as the white, that what was sought out to be the â€Å"impossible† could be possible. He achieved it because he has what everyone wants. For instance he has a nice house, car, beautiful family and he’s just such a beautiful person altogether. Obama has proved to all that the American Dream is not just an â€Å"Alice in Wonderland† type of fairy tale. Indeed the American Dream is a reality with its own symbol and that symbol is Barrack Obama, the 44th and fist black president of the United States of America. In conclusion, it just goes to show that the â€Å"American Dream† is possible and nothing is out of your limits when it comes to dreams. For instance look at Oprah—a multi-billionaire, African American woman, who wasn’t raised with the finer things in life. She had to work hard for success. Also President Obama got to where he is now because of hard work, discipline and determination. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. †-Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Chapter 2 Related Studies and Literature

Chapter 2 Review of Local and Foreign Studies and Literature Local Studies According to the study of Anna Marie Beltran Distor of Proposed Sales Monitoring System issued 1995, the accelerated work structure of the company proper monitoring is essential in order to keep track of the company’s sales activities. Her system aims to come up with an efficient, and accurate mechanized system of preparing invoices that will keep track of the daily transaction and generate reports.Important information will be provided by this study in order to prove that the computerization of the company’s operation and achieve a more reliable and efficient means of monitoring day to day activities. Her system focuses on the analysis and design of the sales monitoring system which will monitor the stacks inventory of the sales departments. This system of hers is somewhat related to our study but our system focuses more on the inventory monitoring system of a trading company. Local Literature P opular author of Accounting, Waldo T.Passion (1990) in his book stated that, to improve their efficiency and reduce their cost of operation. Reports are more timely and accurate. Computers have large capacity to store data and tremendous speed to manipulate and recall data to the format a user wishes to use which the introduction of microcomputer computation of business is more affordable. Foreign Study According to the study of Edwin Bello and his fellow researchers of Computerized Monitoring and Inventory of Stock with Warning Level dated March 2005, many firms have thousands of items of inventory which require some form of control.The usage calculations and record keeping chores would soon become overwhelming were it not for the computer and its unique information storage and retrieval capabilities. Iventory management is a process of developing and maintaining products that are in demand by customers efficient inventory management, an important aspect of physical distributor, ca n help a firm achieve its profit goals. For instance, Hanes Hosiery Inc. evelop a computerized inventory management system to drastically reduce the time needed to restock a store carrying Hanes product, orders that once took seven days to reach a store now arrive in one. Good inventory management balances the cost of holding a large inventory with the cost of losing sales because of shortages, or stock outs, of certain products. One inventory management technique used to achieve this balance I just-in-time(JIT) inventory, popularized in Japan.Companies using JIT maintain smaller inventories by ordering more often and in smaller quantities, just in time for production. Fire place manufactures, which makes metal fireplace in Santa Ana, California, trimmed its inventory from $1. 1 million to $75,000 using JIT. In the meantime, sales doubled because the firm was able to be respond to customers’ orders much faster. The study is somewhat similar to our systembut we are focusing on inventory monitoring rather than inventory management of a system. Foreign Literature Kendal and Kendal (1999) p. 85 in his book said, â€Å"The computer was adapted initially to take over the routine work and force personnel for more creative task(in addition to holding certain highly routine task for more rapidly done manuals)†. Ralph M. Stair(1984) p. 57 of his book â€Å"Priciple of Data Processing† said, â€Å"The purpose of a management information system is to get the right information to the right people at the right time. The success of any organization depends on good decision-making and good decision-making depends on good information.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hostel Ddday

Respected dignitaries on the stage, all the professors and my dear hostelites.. â€Å"Suddenly out from home town, With B. Tech Degree as our Crown, We landed here, here we lived, here we matured, here Spent best years of our life, With best pals of mine, here learned basics and felt happiness with sorrows, People of Old hostel, To thee I bow† It feels like yesterday when all of us came together as â€Å"freshers†, when we met each other, sat together for group studies a day before of the exam, it feels like yesterday when we had all the fun together.But its hard to believe that these yesterdays have lasted for 4 years †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and soon will die out on us. Its hard for me to believe that today I am giving a speech as a final year student and that our life as undergraduates is coming to an end. I am sure that almost everyone of us in the final yr tech have something waiting for us for a better tom,but given a chance, I am sure, every one of us would like to relive these 4 years. Words just fall short to describe my feelings for this hostel.We have got everything from it; friendship, affection, care, support , knowledge, maturity and what not I am sure that thses walls know our lifes better than us. We have done things, we would have never imagined doing before we came here and also things, which others could just do in their imagination. From mid night bday parties to burning mid night oil before exams, from all day sleep on holidays to full night games and laughter, from Dashera to Holi, from mosquitoes to bed bugs, from mess food to munna’s water †¦. We have seen it all here.I could exactly recall and experience the words of Harshal Chokha, when we all were in first yr, when he said â€Å"here We have undergone the biggest transition of our lives† This place has a culture of its own, where there is just no space for discrimination and ample space for love and unity. ( Here we have shared our deepest sorrows as well as the biggest achievements with friends). Though most of our juniors just have no idea about this culture as they have lived in the new hostel but I, along with everyone of us, have enjoyed this culture and lived every moment of it.We have lived here more like a family and I really feel proud to belong to it. Its been the hostelites who are famous or can I call infamous for attending the maximum of lectures to having the best of leaser. Now when I look back, its so hard to imagine where I would have been if not here. There is so much to say and it will take another 8 years for me to describe my 4 years of life in Old hostel I thank Prof Malshe for preserving this culture here and letting us all be a part of it. He as a person will be tough at times but really soft otherwise. Can never forget those nights when Sir is on surprise visit to the hostel and everybody runs here and there just informing others to be prepared for it. Can never forget how his comments become even mo re popular than the dialogues of the most amazing movies). I would like to thank him for lending his hand whenever we required his help and sir, we request you for your support even when we are not a part of this hostel. How can I forget last year, when hostel day was on the verge of getting cancelled, that he became hope and support for us and yes, we were able to make an eventful festival under the leadership of our GS Shailesh Marwah.As far as the achievements are concerned, the batch of final yr B tech could be called as the batch of achievers. People have got high paying jobs, top ranking universities, unmatchable GATE scores that too in third year, and still there is so much more to come. As far as extra curricular activities are concerened over the years we have excelled in both cultural and sports events. I would like to thank all the professors, who have always lend us their helping hands, all my classmates or I would say my brothers and my juniors for being there during th e highs and the lows. I could never repay you all for your favours ) and guys keep the spirit of old hostel high. I would like to end up on an emotional note, In all I can only say†¦.. â€Å"We lived in the old hostel for 4 years Enjoyed, cried had fun, shared tears, We hostelites live here as a a family with wings of UICT to fly freely now, its time for us to leave making this one of the best place for freshers to live† Thank youRespected dignitaries on the stage, all the professors and my dear hostelites.. â€Å"Suddenly out from home town, With B. Tech Degree as our Crown, We landed here, here we lived, here we matured, ere Spent best years of our life, With best pals of mine, here learned basics and felt happiness with sorrows, People of Old hostel, To thee I bow† It feels like yesterday when all of us came together as â€Å"freshers†, when we met each other, sat together for group studies a day before of the exam, it feels like yesterday when we had al l the fun together. But its hard to believe that these yesterdays have lasted for 4 years †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and soon will die out on us. Its hard for me to believe that today I am giving a speech as a final year student and that our life as undergraduates is coming to an end.I am sure that almost everyone of us in the final yr tech have something waiting for us for a better tom,but given a chance, I am sure, every one of us would like to relive these 4 years. Words just fall short to describe my feelings for this hostel. We have got everything from it; friendship, affection, care, support , knowledge, maturity and what not I am sure that thses walls know our lifes better than us. We have done things, we would have never imagined doing before we came here and also things, which others could just do in their imagination.From mid night bday parties to burning mid night oil before exams, from all day sleep on holidays to full night games and laughter, from Dashera to Holi, f rom mosquitoes to bed bugs, from mess food to munna’s water †¦. We have seen it all here. I could exactly recall and experience the words of Harshal Chokha, when we all were in first yr, when he said â€Å"here We have undergone the biggest transition of our lives† This place has a culture of its own, where there is just no space for discrimination and ample space for love and unity. ( Here we have shared our deepest sorrows as well as the biggest achievements with friends).Though most of our juniors just have no idea about this culture as they have lived in the new hostel but I, along with everyone of us, have enjoyed this culture and lived every moment of it. We have lived here more like a family and I really feel proud to belong to it. Its been the hostelites who are famous or can I call infamous for attending the maximum of lectures to having the best of leaser. Now when I look back, its so hard to imagine where I would have been if not here. There is so much to say and it will take another 8 years for me to describe my 4 years of life in Old hostelI thank Prof Malshe for preserving this culture here and letting us all be a part of it. He as a person will be tough at times but really soft otherwise. ( Can never forget those nights when Sir is on surprise visit to the hostel and everybody runs here and there just informing others to be prepared for it. Can never forget how his comments become even more popular than the dialogues of the most amazing movies). I would like to thank him for lending his hand whenever we required his help and sir, we request you for your support even when we are not a part of this hostel.How can I forget last year, when hostel day was on the verge of getting cancelled, that he became hope and support for us and yes, we were able to make an eventful festival under the leadership of our GS Shailesh Marwah. As far as the achievements are concerned, the batch of final yr B tech could be called as the batch of achie vers. People have got high paying jobs, top ranking universities, unmatchable GATE scores that too in third year, and still there is so much more to come. As far as extra curricular activities are concerened over the years we have excelled in both cultural and sports events.I would like to thank all the professors, who have always lend us their helping hands, all my classmates or I would say my brothers and my juniors for being there during the highs and the lows. (I could never repay you all for your favours ) and guys keep the spirit of old hostel high. I would like to end up on an emotional note, In all I can only say†¦.. â€Å"We lived in the old hostel for 4 years Enjoyed, cried had fun, shared tears, We hostelites live here as a a family with wings of UICT to fly freely now, its time for us to leave making this one of the best place for freshers to live† Thank you